Zoé Zephyr & The Big BANG!
Waiting For You
Electro pop ballad for long distance love, utilizing longing as inspiration to seize life!
I Got Fangs [clean]
I Got Fangs [explicit]
Dance rap fusion, lyrics combine surreal flirtation ("i like you like i like pickled herring"), with M.I.A.-style political critique ("it's not just repression, it's counter-insurrection").
Raising Hell With Peter Pan
This bass-driven, spoken-sung experimental track is a playful ode to that mischief-making hero of Neverland. The greek chant at the end translates as "our passion for freedom is stronger than all your prison walls.
Thank You Very Much [clean]
Thank You Very Much [explicit]
Indy rock with a new wave influence. A song about solidarity, betrayal, and the ties that bind friends and communities together...
Singer-songwriter/folky tune with a twist, homage to the falltime, shared work with many hands, and day of the dead... Accompanied by clipper-scissors percussion!